Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club Badges

Badges for 15 and Under

Why not combine your love of exploring the outdoors with an opportunity to learn more about the natural environment by earning one of the following three badges?

Young Hiker Badge

We are now offering a free Young Hiker Badge! To earn your badge, you must be 13 years of age or younger and complete one or more hikes on the Dufferin Hi-land section that is a minimum of 3 km long, or that takes at least one hour. You can hike with your family or other adults as appropriate in keeping with current Covid restrictions, and once the restrictions are lifted, you’ll be able to hike as part of DHBTC organized hikes or with family/school/clubs.

Adventurer’s Badge

To earn this adventure badge, you need to complete 2 hikes in each of the 4 seasons.
All 8 hikes must be done in a 12-month period for a total of 60km. Share flora/fauna/fungi photos on Facebook or Instagram and tag @DufferinHiLandBruceTrailClub

This is an Adventure Series Badge and is an Iron on.

Explorer’s Badge

To earn this explorer badge, you will need to complete 2 hikes in each of the 4 seasons.
All 8 hikes must be done in a 12-month period for a total of 30km. Share flora/fauna/fungi photos on Facebook or Instagram and tag @DufferinHiLandBruceTrailClub

This is an Adventure Series Badge and is an Iron on.

Club Badges

White Trillium Badge

The White Trillium Badge will now be available to hikers who complete their own 1 Day E2E of the section, hiking the full distance of 56.3 km. You will need to submit an electronic log that shows your hike (start and finish on the same day).

The cost is $10 per badge for Members and $15 for Non-members.

Red Trillium Badge

The Red Trillium Badge is awarded to those hikers who participate in the Dufferin Hi-Land Two Day End-to-End Hike and complete the full distance (56.3 km).

This hike is held in May each year and is listed under Special Events and Challenge Hikes.

Pink Rose Badge

The Pink Rose Badge is awarded to those hikers who complete the Dufferin Hi-Land section (56.3 km) either through a series of hikes organized by Dufferin Hi-Land or other Bruce Trail Clubs or through their own series of self-scheduled hikes.

Winter Series Badge

Dufferin Hi-land Winter Series Badge

The Winter Series Badge is awarded to those hikers who complete a series of 4 organized snowshoe (or, some years, icers) hikes – two daytime and two moonlight. The Hike Leaders will provide the Winter Badge to those who complete the four hikes. The cost is $10 per badge for Members and $15 for Non-members. The dates and full information for these events will be posted on the Bruce Trail Club Hike Schedule (https://hikes.brucetrail.org). Pre-registration is required.

Side Trail Badge

The Side Trail Badge is awarded to those hikers who complete all of the blue-blazed Side Trails of the Dufferin Hi-Land section, either by participating in an organized series of Side Trail hikes (see General Hike listings for currently available series, beginning in April 2017) or by arranging one’s own hikes and submitting a log to document completion of all Side Trails. The cost of the badge is $10 per badge for Members and $15 for Non-members, payable in cash to the hike leader, if participating in an organized hike. 

Full details, including suggested hikes to meet the badge requirements are found on the Side Trails Badge page under the Hike menu.

25k Challenge Badge

Can you conquer all the Boyne Valley Hills in one loop hike?

This hike will be offered again in 2024 with this colourful new badge to earn for your sore feet and quads!

Come and experience the beauty of the Dufferin Hi-Land section, earn this brand new beautiful badge and experience the best of Dufferin County hospitality at our checkpoints.

For more information: Special Events and Challenge Hikes

Stained Glass Badge
Yellow lady Slipper

The stained glass series of badges were designed by Joe Borges, and feature an image chosen the individual BTC club. The Dufferin Hi-Land Badge features the Yellow Lady Slipper, a native plant in the area.

The badges are designed for those wishing to complete an End-to-End over multiple hikes. These fund raiser badges are earned after completing a guided hike series for each section of the BTC.

Scheduled hike series can be found on the BTC Hike Schedule.

Seven Rivers Hike Series

A new badge!

This series features rivers in our Headwaters area: the Humber, Nottawasaga, Boyne, Pine, Mad, Noisy and Pretty Rivers.

It includes 7 hikes from three Bruce Trail Sections: Blue Mountains (3), Dufferin Hi-Land (2) and Caledon Hills (2). 

The badge is earned by completing all seven hikes in the series, and the hikes will be offered on an annual basis. Visit the BTC Hike Schedule – Dufferin Hi-Land section to sign up.

Have any other ideas for Bruce Trail Club Badges? We would love to hear about them.