Get Involved

Become a Member
By becoming a member of the BTC, you are helping to secure a Conservation Corridor through the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Your fees help the BTC achieve its goal of establishing a continuous habitat for rare flora and fauna, purify Escarpment waterways, clean our air, allow forests to thrive and house the Bruce Trail, a 900 km. footpath that offers many hiking options. Click here for more information.

Become a Volunteer
The Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club needs all sorts of people, people with energy and passion, open minds and willing hands. People who can help us realize our dream of building a ribbon of wilderness the length of the Niagara Escarpment that connects people to nature. There are so many volunteer possibilites. Can you help us? Click here for more information.

Current Volunteer Opportunities
Please browse our list of events that we currently need volunteers for. Click here for more information.