Become a Member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy

By becoming a member of the BTC, you are helping to secure a Conservation Corridor through the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. Your fees help the BTC achieve its goal of establishing a continuous habitat for rare flora and fauna, purify Escarpment waterways, clean our air, allow forests to thrive and house the Bruce Trail, a 900 km. footpath that offers many hiking options. Click here to learn about more benefits of membership.

When you join, you can select one or more of the 9 member clubs. By selecting the Dufferin Hi-Land  Club you enjoy the following additional benefits:
  • Connection with hiking and bio-diversity enthusiasts in your local area
  • Guided Spring Flora Hikes
  • Volunteer opportunities, such as helping to maintain the Dufferin section of the Bruce Trail
  • Training to become a certified hike leader through our two-day training program
  • Receive our Newsletter, published 3 times a year

Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for the more information about all our programs.

Play your part – Become a Member NOW

This is what Robert Bateman, one of the Trail’s founding members, has to say about the importance of membership:

What is truly astonishing… is the fact that it [the Bruce Trail] has been, and continues to be built and financed by loyal Bruce Trail Conservancy members. When you are out on The Trail, consider for a moment what this means: every blaze, every boardwalk, every bridge, every stile is there thanks to volunteers.

I know that not everyone is able to be an active volunteer, but I’m equally sure that many more people who use The Trail every year could give financial support. Right now just over 8,000 individuals make a membership commitment. When you consider how much is achieved with such meager finances, imagine what could happen if just ten percent of trail users became members.

Imagine too, what effect an increased membership might have on the BTC’s role as protector of the escarpment. Every membership in the BTC is an individual commitment to conserve the Escarpment. In its public role, the BTC’s voice is only as strong as its membership. If the BTC were to represent 40,000 rather than 8,000 members, just think how much stronger its voice would be. I believe that a strong voice has never been more urgently needed than it is now.

Remember that the Escarpment is a gift that we have been given by nature – a treasure beyond price. The Trail that winds along its edge gives us the means to explore its richness and allows us to be moved and inspired by its sheer beauty. Each and every one of us bears part of the responsibility of ensuring that the Niagara Escarpment and The Bruce Trail are kept safe and well for all time and for all people…