Trail Angels

The Dufferin trail angels help hikers who have only one vehicle. A volunteer will pick you up (Max 3 people) where you park and drive you to where you want to start your hike.

To request a ride from a trail angel: Dufferin-Hiland BTC Trail Angel Requests

With your request please provide the following information:
(A) The date you want to hike
(B) Time you will arrive
(C) Where you will park. Please provide the road location rather than coordinates.
(D) Where you want to start your hike with road location

Please provide as much advanced notice as possible to enhance your chances of an available volunteer. Your email is automatically forwarded to the coordinator of the drivers and you will be contacted to finalize the details. Please check your spam folder for the reply email … sometimes emails from unknown senders will be collected as spam.

Our volunteer drivers donate their time and expenses and hope their efforts warrant a donation to the club which goes towards the costs of maintaining the trails. This can be facilitated by an e transfer to our club treasurer at

Thank you in advance.

Bruce Trail Clubs with volunteer Trail Angel services:

Niagara Bruce Trail Club

Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club

Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club

Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club