Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Hikes
Hike Schedule
Special Events and Challenge Hikes
Self Guided Hikes
Side Trails Badge
Need a Ride? (Trail Angel Requests)
Hike Leaders
Hike Pacing
Leisurely: 3 km/hour or less
Medium: 3-4 km/h
Brisk: 4-5 km/h
Fast: 5 km/h
Easy: Mostly flat with good footing
Moderate: Some hills/ or some poor footing
Strenuous: Hilly with some steep climbs and some poor footing
Terrain and trail conditions play a part in determining speed and difficulty of a hike. Choose a hike that suits your capabilities and comfort level. The Dufferin Hiland Bruce Trail Hikes schedule usually include hikes ranging from challenging to family-friendly.
Always carry snacks and lots of water. Hiking boots and poles are recommended, sturdy shoes will do on shorter hikes on easy to moderate terrain. A change of socks is recommended, as well as an extra pair of shoes for the trip home. Snowshoes or icers may be required for winter hikes. If you have them, please bring them along. If unsure, please contact the hike leader.
All km references are to the 31st Edition of the Bruce Trail Guide.
Sign up for hikes online at: Bruce Trail Hikes or Dufferin Hiland Bruce Trail Hikes. Hikers will be required to agree to the following waiver online at signup:
I, and all those I am registering, acknowledge that this activity in which we are participating, organized by The Bruce Trail Conservancy (BTC) and/or its member Clubs, involves risks which are beyond the control of the BTC and its member Clubs. Notwithstanding the acknowledgement of such risks, we hereby release the BTC, its member Clubs, contractors, employees, agents, assigns and executors from all claims for damage however so arising as a result of our participation in this and any other activity organized by the BTC and/or its member Clubs. We agree to pay the cost of the emergency evacuation of all persons or belongings that may be necessary. We affirm that we are aware of the nature of this activity, its length, duration and degrees of difficulty and that we are properly equipped and physically able to participate. We have no medical or other condition which might preclude our participation. We agree to follow the directions of the leader and any assistants at all times.
Some hike descriptions will indicate that “well-mannered dogs are welcome”. If you are considering bringing your dog and this statement is not included in the description, please contact the hike leader to discuss whether your dog is welcome on one of our Dufferin Hiland Bruce Trail Hikes.