2020 Armchair Quiz
Welcome to the Dufferin Hi-Land Armchair Quiz. Good luck and see you on the trail!
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Awesome! You really know your Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club!

#1. Where is the Treasure Hike located and how many treasures can be found there?
Sorry, the correct answer is:
Splitrock Narrows, 10 treasures

#2. Where do bobolinks nest and hang out?
Boblinks nest on the ground in hayfields and meadows

#3. What are those whitish saucer like growths you see on tree trunks?
Sorry, the correct answer is:
They are mushrooms and the very outer edges are edible.

#4. How many side trails are there in the Dufferin HiLand section?
Sorry, the correct answer is:

#5. What is the shortest side trail called and how long is it?
Sorry, the correct answer is:
Look Out 70m

#6. What are the names of the two new special areas nestled in the undulating hills of the Dufferin Hi-Land section that the BTC is seeking to preserve
Sorry, the correct answer is:
Honeywood Ridge and The Pine River Nature Reserve

#7. What woodland creature can you spot in the photo above?
Sorry, the correct answer is:
A Bard Owl

#8. How many members belong to the Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club?
Sorry, the correct answer is:

#9. Who is helping to protect the Pine River Nature Reserve?
Sorry, the correct answer is:
All of the above

#10. Where are the two best views in the Dufferin Hi-Land section for spotting Santa?
Sorry, the correct answer is: