e-Transfer Instructions for Club Badges



eTranfers are available for the purchase of club badges. Please follow the instructions below in order to use this service.

  1. Send your eTransfer to: Dufferin Hi-Land BTC, email address: DHCbadges@gmail.com
  2. Enter the amount to transfer – $10 per badge for Members, $15 per badge for Non-Members
  3. In the “Add Message” or “Notes” area: type the number of badges that you want (e.g. 2 E to E Pink Rose badges or Side Trail badges).
  4. Once the e-transfer has been completed, send an email to DHCbadges@gmail.com attaching your log of the hikes, and include your full name and postal address.
  5. We will mail your badges to you. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.