Deer Hunting Season and the Bruce Trail

Hikers wearing orange hats for visibility

It is strongly recommended that you wear bright colored (Orange) clothing during this time!

From Monday December 2 to Friday December 6th inclusive deer hunting is allowed with landowner approval. Bow and  cross-bow hunting season is from October 1st through to midnight December 31st.

This affects all sections of the Bruce Trail, but especially trails that fall in the area between Dufferin Road 21 north to the 30th sideroad, the Pine River Fishing area and the Ministry of Natural Resources property that the Pin River Valley Side Trail crosses.

A large group making noise is pretty safe but solo hikers should avoid these spots or wear a safety vest and bright hat.

Hunting season 2024:
– controlled deer: November 4, 2024 and to midnight November 8, 2024
– controlled deer: December 2 to midnight December 6
– bow and cross-bow: October 1st to midnight December 31st

The Pine River Nature Reserve borders onto the Ministry of Natural Resources crown land where hunting is allowed.  Additionally, part of the Pine River Valley Side Trail traverses the MNR property, so please be aware while hunting season is active.

Below is a map of the area.  The area marked in green is crown land where hunting is allowed.
